Wellbeing & Social Services
Your health and well-being have a significant role in achieving successful outcomes.
It is important to take some time out to look after your:
- Physical (Tinana)
- Mental (Hinengaro) and,
- Spiritual (Wairua) health & well-being.
Here are a few tips extracted from the Mental Health Foundation Website that may be of help to you.
For more assistance or tips you can visit their website: https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/

Are you experiencing any of the following feelings?
- Sad, Down or Depressed
- Anxious or Stressed
- Worried, lost or confused
- Finding it hard to concentrate
- Having trouble sleeping
- Feeling like everything is a bit too much
- Alone and withdrawn
- Hard to talk to family or friends
- Having suicidal thoughts
It is crucial that you seek assistance if you are going through any of the mentioned symptoms because they may indicate that you are dealing with a mental illness.
Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.
Support Agencies:
Phone: 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354) or free text 4357: for councilling and support
Depression Helpline
Phone: 0800 111 757 or free text 4202: to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions.
Phone: 0800 727 666: for confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress.
Healthline / Manatū Hauora
Phone: 0800 611 116: for help and advice from trained and registered nurses.
Needing assistance, advice and guidance to get other health support please visit : https://mentalhealth.org.nz/helplines
Financial Advice & Support Services:
If you need financial assistance and are having trouble covering your basic expenses or need financial advice, please contact one of the support services listed below or visit : https://check.msd.govt.nz/

Ministry of Social Development / Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora
Phone: 0800 559 009 (8 am-4.30 pm): if you are struggling to meet essential costs, please call for financial assessment assistance

Money Talks
Phone: 0800 345 123 : Free, confidential budgeting advice and financial mentoring assistance